Polish and Serbian for introducing oneself:)

After a successful videoconference, students from Uzice and Warsaw have been cooperating and they have exchanged short vocaroo recordings allowing partners to learn a little bit of each other's mother tongue. Thanks to this, they can also see the similarities and differences between the two languages.

From Petar, Uzice:


Ја се зовем Петар. Имам  шеснаест (16) година. Живим у Ужицу. Слушам углавном рок и поп страну стару музику. А ти?
My name is Petar. I am 16. I live in Uzice. I mainly listen to old foreign rock and pop music. What about you?

From Kuba, Warsaw:


Cześć, mam na imię Kuba. Mam 16 lat. Mieszkam w Warszawie. Słucham różnych gatunków muzyki. A ty?
Hi, my name is Kuba. I'm 16. I live in Warsaw. I listen to variuos kinds of music. What about you?


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